Rocky Mountain National Park Guided Tours

If you are interested in Rocky Mountain National Park guided tours, come and join us at Kaiyote Tours!
Rocky Mountain National Park, Grand Lake and Estes Park, Colorado
Trips for all levels from complete novice to expert:
- Birding and Wildlife Viewing
- Over-night Backpacking
- Hiking
- Snowshoeing
- Cross-Country Skiing
- Longs Peak
In addition to our tours in Rocky Mountain National Park, we also offer multi-day birding and nature tours throughout Colorado. Please check the Colorado page for more details.
Fun, knowledgeable and experienced local guides for your Colorado adventure.
All of our tours are educational and follow Leave No Trace principles.
You will learn about the complete natural history of Rocky Mountain National Park and have an experience of a lifetime!
The Big and Small Alpine World Above the Trees
Snow covered Peaks Touching the Clouds
Glaciers and Cascading Streams
Rainbows, Hail and Fire
Blue Skies
Winter is a great time to visit Grand Lake and Rocky Mountain National Park. The snow covered mountains are beautiful and the park is definitely not crowded. The temperature might be cold, but the air is dry and the sun at high altitude is intense, and so it does not feel as cold as the thermometer says. Many birds and wildlife can be seen from the road.

Moose (Alces alces) are common in the Grand Lake area of Rocky Mountain National Park. They are the largest member of the deer family, but unlike most deer family species, moose are solitary and only occasionally are found in small groups. Their favorite food is aquatic plants, but in the winter, they will browse on the bark and shoots of willows and aspen. Males can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and have antler widths of over 4 feet wide. Moose have long and strong legs and can handle very deep snow.

Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) is one of the many rabbit species found in Rocky Mountain National Park. In the winter their fur turns completely white, while in the summer they are brown, but their feet often remain white. In the winter, the most common set of animal tracks to be seen are those of snowshoe hares. Hares are in the Leporidae (rabbit) Family, which includes hares and rabbits, and they are closely related to picas; they are all in the Lagamorpha Order. Within the Rabbit Family, "hares and jackrabbits are distinct from "cottontail rabbits". The young of cottontail rabbits are born helpless, eyes closed, and without fur. Whereas jackrabbits and hares can fend for themselves in a few hours. Snowshoe Hares can have up to 4-litters a year, with each litter having 3 - 8 young.

Coyote (Canis latrans) is an important animal for the Native American tribes of the southwest. Coyotes are believed to be “tricksters”. Tricksters are characters that possess superior intellect and secret knowledge and use their abilities to rebel against social norms and conventional behavior using humor and “tricks”. Coyotes vary in size: In the deserts they might weigh only 20 lbs, but in colder climates, they can weigh up to 40 lbs. Coyotes can be tamed as pups, but the fully grown adults will occasionally engage in destructive and "wild" behavior, and so they cannot be domesticated.

American Pine Marten (Martes americana) is member of the weasel family (Mustelidae) and resides mainly in Canada, and mountainous and northern regions of the United States. Martens are long and slender, averaging 2-feet in length, (including a 6-inch tail), and usually weigh about 3 lbs. Although they are omnivores, their diet consists mainly of small rodents, including snowshoe hares. The Pine Marten's main predators are eagles, owls, lynx, and mountain lions. Martens spend a significant amount of time in trees; females will even den and give birth in "cavity nests" and dense limbs in large conifers and snags. Martens are both nocturnal and diurnal hunters, depending on the season.

Winter Birding and Wildlife Viewing