
Birding Panama Tours

Bayano - Tortí   |   Bocas del Toro   |   Chiriquí   |   Darien   |   Gamboa
Panama Home

We offer numerous trips to Panama throughout the year.  Some of the tours are scheduled, but we often add last-minute trips, and we can accommodate personal requests. 

Private Trips: We are increasingly taking people on private trips. If a group trip does not interest you, please contact us about a private tour and the dates you prefer. 

Extended Tours:  If you are interested in a longer trip, many of our tours can be joined back-to-back.  For example, you can sign up for a Gamboa and/or Chiriquí Tour plus a Darien tour for a 3-week trip.  Please contact us for details. 

Click here:  Panama Bird List for a list of all the birds we have seen over the many years of touring in Panama

When to go? 

I have spent a significant amount of time birding in Panama every month of the year except June, July, and August.  My favorite months to be in Panama for birding are October and November. This is the end of the rainy season when everything is green and lush. 

The dry season is from December through March.  In November it will rain, the rain is beautiful, and everything is very green. And remember, that raptor migration is in October/November for birds heading south and then in April for birds heading north.  If the raptors can travel during the rainy season, it is not a problem for a birding trip as well. 

You can visit Gamboa any time of year.  The end of the rainy season, from September - November is the most beautiful time of year because everything is green. 

The best time to visit The Darien is mid-January through March.  It is possible to visit during the rainy season, but the trails will be very muddy and slippery, and it rains a lot. 

You can visit the Chiriquí Cloud Forest any time of year. December - March is the dry season.

You can visit Bocas del Toro any time of year. The rainy season does not interrupt outdoor activities. 

Western Panama and Bayano - Tortí is best visit from December - April.

Bayano - Tortí   |   Bocas del Toro   |   Chiriquí   |   Darien   |   Gamboa

Extended Tours:  If you are interested in a longer trip, many of our tours can be joined back to back.  For example, you can sign up for a Gamboa and/or Chiriquí Tour plus a Darien tour for a 2 - 3 week trip.  Please contact us for the discounted price for signing up for multiple trips. 

Read a good book:  "The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870–1914" by David McCullough. A 698-page book containing 80 photographs. I have read this book, and it is everything you ever needed to know about the Panama Canal.   Don't have time to read? watch a video:  PBS American Experience, Panama Canal.  The is also a short video about the Panama Canal narrated by David McCullough:  NOVA: A Man, a Plan, a Canal – Panama.

Our local guides for Kaiyote Tours


Nando Quiroz owns Birding Pipeline Panama, and he is a top birding guide in Panama.  You can read his numerous 5-star reviews by clicking here: Nando Reviews (opens a new page).  Nando Quiroz (pronounced "keeROS") was born in the beautiful lowland rainforest of the Chiriquí Province, far western Panama in 1974, near Puerto Armuelles along the Quebrada de Sábalo (Tarpon Creek). His unique childhood created the very special relationship that he has with the world of nature, especially birds. He can identify hundreds of songs and calls of Panama birds, as well as identify them quickly by sight. His native language is Spanish, and he also speaks English.  He began guiding in the mountain cloudforest community of Cerro Azul, located close to Panama City, in 2005. From 2011 to 2016, he supervised the construction of Canopy Camp in Darién. Nando currently resides in Metetí, Darien province. 



Ismael Quiroz is the son of Nando and has become an excellent birding guide, following in his father's footsteps.  Ismael was born in David, Chiriquí, and grew up among the mountain birds of Cerro Azul.  At the age of 14, he moved with his family to Metetí, in the Darién province of Panama.  He has been birding with his father since 2016. Ismael is a total pro at taking photos and videos through the scope using your cell phone and you will be amazed at the top-notch bird photos you will be able to take home.  Check out Ismael's photos and videos here:  Ismael Photography (opens a new window)

Animals we have seen in Panama: Five species of monkeys (Golden-mantled Howler, Geoffroy's Tamarin, Panamanian Night Monkey, Spider Monkey, and White-faced capuchin), Anteaters (Northern Tamandua and Giant Anteater), both 2-toed and 3-toed sloths, Coati, Crab-eating Raccoon, Agouti, Opossums (both Panama slender opossum and Derby's woolly opossum), Rufous soft-furred spiny-rat, Red-tailed squirrel, Variegated squirrel, and Capybara; many of the mammals will have babies.  We see many reptiles and amphibians including the Spectacled Caiman, American Crocodile and the Common Basilisk (aka Jesus Christ lizard).
