
Please be patient for us to reply to your email and voicemail messages. We are often in areas without internet or cell service, and we will contact you as soon as possible. Often you will receive a quicker response if you contact us via a text message or using WhatsApp.
National Park Tours: All reservations require a credit card to hold the date and payment schedule is as follows:
- Day trips: Full payment due 3-days in advance of the trip and is non-refundable.
- Multi-day tours: Full payment is due 2-weeks in advance and is non-refundable
- Overnight backpacking: $20 per person per day non-refundable deposit and balance is due 5-months in advance and is non-refundable
International and Domestic Tours
Non-private group tours in the Western Hemisphere and Europe: To reserve a place on a trip, a non-refundable payment of $800 per person and a signed travel agreement is requirement. Full payment is due 6-months prior to departure date. If you are reserving a spot within 6-months of departure, full payment is required to reserve a spot. There are no refunds within 6-months of the departure date. But if you need to cancel prior to the 6-month deadline, the deposit can be used as credit towards a future trip.
Non-private group tours to Asia: To reserve a place on a trip, a non-refundable payment of 50% of the total cost per person and a signed travel agreement is requirement. Full payment is due 6-months prior to departure date. If you are reserving a spot within 6-months of departure, full payment is required to reserve a spot. There are no refunds within 6-months of the departure date. But if you need to cancel prior to the 6-month deadline, the deposit can be used as credit towards a future trip.
Private tours: To reserve a private international or domestic trip, a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total cost per person, and a signed travel agreement is requirement. Full payment is due 6-months prior to departure date. If you are reserving a spot within 6-months of departure, full payment is required to reserve a date. There are no refunds within 6-months of the departure date. But if you need to cancel prior to the 6-month deadline, the deposit can be used as credit towards a future trip.
Before contacting Kaiyote, please check our “Requirements” page to make sure you will be able to travel with us and will have time to acquire to necessary documents.
Please contact us at or 970-556-6103
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and PayPal.